EncryptoTel weekly update #4
Hello. With this update we want to confirm the burn of assets what were purchased during buywall period, along with a couple of other items of interest.
Here is Waves burn transaction — http://www.wavesgo.com/transactions.html?Efz3TxDL6BtTn1n7hLVyEWquz8bFe7uD8cVs2MYDb68u
Our Ethereum smart contract doesn’t have the burn option so we transferred it to address 0x2222222222222222222222222222222222222222
It is quite impossible to access the private key to it so do not worry, they are completely unrecoverable..
TXID: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x16c684bd09877f48831d44e934ca4114645086c0d6dc419d9bc39e447c38cb11
As we promised in our previous update, the amount of ETT tokens is now reduced.
A Couple of words on Blockswap. Development is moving forward a bit slower than we had expected. This is due to security measures. We want to guarantee the best and most secure solution for our investors and that takes time.
As for the bonus that was promised, that is coming at the end of next week. It will be sent to the same addresses you had your original ETT withdrawn to!
And last, but not the least important news. During the next month we are going to put out a pre-release version of our PBX that will be available to our investors and community members for testing purposes. We are looking forward to hearing feedback from you guys, so stay tuned for the upcoming pre-release.